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5kW Solar System with Battery UK: A Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners

The increasing popularity of solar power in the UK has seen many homeowners opting for 5kW solar panel systems, which are ideally suited for larger homes housing four or more people. The average cost of a 5kW solar system in the UK is around £6,000 to £7,000, largely influenced by recent decreases in solar panel prices due to heightened competition among installers in the UK and across the globe.

Integrating battery storage into a 5kW solar system is an increasingly popular choice, as it enables homeowners to harness excess solar energy generated during daylight hours for use during periods of low or no sunlight. This not only enhances efficiency, but also facilitates more significant energy savings and a greener power supply. Even though the upfront costs may be higher for a 5kW system with battery storage, the advantages of self-sufficiency and energy security in the long run make it an attractive option for many UK households.

When considering a 5kW solar panel system with battery storage, it is essential to weigh up the variables such as installation costs, potential energy savings, and impact on the environment. With over 1.2 million UK households already benefitting from solar panel systems, this renewable energy source is becoming an increasingly attractive investment for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint whilst achieving greater energy independence.

What Is a 5kW Solar System with Battery?

A 5kW solar system with battery is a renewable energy setup designed for residential use. It combines solar panels and a battery storage system to generate and store electricity for a household. The primary components of this system include solar panels with a combined capacity of 5 kilowatts (kW) and a battery storage unit.

The solar panels in a 5kW system convert sunlight into electricity, which is then used to power the home or fed into the grid. Under perfect conditions, a 5kW solar installation can generate 5,000 watts of electricity, which can power 555 LEDs indefinitely, assuming LED light bulbs use 9 watts each.

The battery portion of the system stores surplus electricity generated by the solar panels. This energy can be used during peak times, at night, or during power outages. A battery's usable storage capacity is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), representing a certain power of electricity (kW) used over an amount of time (hours). For example, if the battery has 10 kWh of usable storage capacity, it can provide 5 kW of power for 2 hours or 1 kW for 10 hours.

There are various manufacturers offering 5kW solar systems with battery storage in the UK, allowing homeowners to choose from different panel types, battery capacities, and technology options. Some popular brands include Tesla's Powerwall and SMA Solar Kits.

Investing in a 5kW solar system with battery can provide homeowners with several benefits, such as energy independence, reduced electricity bills, and a smaller carbon footprint. Additionally, they might also qualify for government incentives to offset the installation cost.

UK Solar Incentives and Grants

The United Kingdom offers several incentives and grants for homeowners looking to install solar PV systems. In recent years, the affordability of solar panels has improved due to increased competition amongst installers and lower production costs. A 5kW solar system typically costs between £6,000 and £7,000 on average, suitable for larger homes with four or more occupants.

One of the primary funding options available in the UK is the ECO4 Scheme. The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) began in April 2022, replacing ECO3, and will run until March 2026. Through this scheme, eligible low-income households (under £31,000) can receive government-backed grants for home improvements, primarily focused on enhancing energy efficiency in properties with Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings of bands D-G. These improvements can include the installation of solar PV systems, loft insulation, and underfloor insulation.

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    To qualify for solar panel grants in the UK, homeowners can explore additional options, such as:

    • Local authority grants: Some councils offer solar panel grants for residents or businesses looking to install renewable energy systems. Contact your local council to see what assistance they may provide.
    • Employer-supported loans: Employers can offer financial assistance to employees interested in installing solar panels, with loans typically repaid from pre-tax salary deductions.

    As the interest in solar energy increases, homeowners are seeking to capitalize on solar panel grants to reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint. Remember, the average 3.5kW solar panel system in the UK costs around £5,500, but exploring available grants can help mitigate the initial investment. It is crucial to stay up-to-date with current incentives and grants while considering a solar installation, as these opportunities may change or expand over time.

    Cost of 5kw Solar System with Battery

    Installation Costs

    A 5kW solar system in the UK market varies in price from £6,000 to £7,000. The cost of installing the system is also dependent on the chosen installer, and it can be approximately £5,000. Adding a solar battery storage system to the solar panel setup typically incurs extra costs that may vary depending on the battery's capacity and brand.

    Considering the above information, the total installation costs for a 5kW solar system with battery storage can range from £11,000 to £12,000, depending on the specific components and choice of installer.

    Maintenance Costs

    Maintenance costs for a solar system typically include occasional cleaning of the panels and periodic inverter replacements. Solar inverters generally last around 10-15 years, while solar panels have a lifespan of 25-30 years. In addition, solar batteries may require replacement depending on their type and usage. For example, some lithium-ion batteries have warranties for up to 10 years.

    Regular maintenance and cleaning of the solar panels can help improve their efficiency and lifespan. Engaging a professional solar panel cleaning service can cost around £100 to £120 per year, which is a relatively low expense compared to the overall investment in the system.

    To summarise the maintenance costs for a 5kW solar system with battery storage:

    • Solar panel cleaning: £100 - £120 per year
    • Inverter replacement: Every 10-15 years (cost may vary)
    • Battery replacement: Depends on the type and warranty of the battery

    It's important to note that these costs are approximate and may vary based on location, specific system components, and service provider fees.

    Energy Storage Solutions

    Energy storage solutions play a crucial role in harnessing solar power efficiently. This section will discuss various battery storage options available for a 5kW solar system in the UK. We will explore Lithium-Ion, Lead-Acid, and Flow Batteries, and their suitability for residential solar installations.


    Lithium-Ion batteries are widely used in residential solar energy systems due to their high energy density and relatively long lifespan. These batteries have a faster charging rate and better efficiency compared to other battery types^[1^]. Some common uses for Lithium-Ion batteries include:

    • Storing electricity generated by solar panels during the day for use at night
    • Providing backup power during power outages or periods of high electricity demand

    A Tesla Powerwall, for example, boasts up to 13.5kWh of storage, delivering 5kW of power continuously and up to 7kW for 10-second periods.


    Lead-Acid batteries are another popular option for solar energy storage. While they have a lower energy density than Lithium-Ion batteries and a shorter lifespan, they are more affordable, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers. Key features of Lead-Acid batteries include:

    • Lower cost per kWh of storage
    • Well-established technology with a proven track record

    However, these batteries require regular maintenance, and their efficiency declines over time, making them less suitable for long-term solar energy storage.

    Flow Batteries

    Flow batteries are a relatively new technology in the residential solar energy market, offering distinct advantages such as scalability and longer cycle life compared to other battery types. Flow batteries store energy in liquid electrolytes and are highly efficient, making them a promising option for future residential solar energy storage.

    Some benefits of flow batteries include:

    • Longer cycle life compared to other battery types
    • Minimal degradation over time

    However, flow batteries have a higher upfront cost and are currently less common than Lithium-Ion and Lead-Acid options for residential applications.

    In summary, each battery type offers unique advantages and drawbacks, and the choice of battery storage for a 5kW solar system in the UK will depend on factors such as budget, space limitations, and overall system requirements.

    Choosing the Right Solar Panels

    When selecting a 5kW solar system with a battery for your home in the UK, it's essential to choose the right type of solar panels. The most common types of solar panels available are Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline, and Thin-Film. Each type of solar panel has its advantages and disadvantages.


    Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single crystal structure, enabling them to have the highest efficiency levels among the three types. These solar panels offer:

    • High efficiency: typically around 15-20%.
    • Better performance in low-light conditions.
    • A sleeker, more aesthetically pleasing appearance, thanks to their uniform black colour.

    However, Monocrystalline solar panels also have some drawbacks:

    • Higher cost compared to other types of solar panels.
    • The manufacturing process involves wasting more silicon, which contributes to the higher price.


    Polycrystalline solar panels are made from multiple crystal structures, resulting in a slightly lower efficiency rate than Monocrystalline panels. Key characteristics of Polycrystalline solar panels include:

    • Moderate efficiency: around 13-18%.
    • A more affordable option compared to Monocrystalline panels.
    • Blue colour due to the multiple crystal structures, which may impact aesthetics.

    Drawbacks of Polycrystalline solar panels include:

    • Lower efficiency than Monocrystalline panels.
    • Slightly larger size required for the same power output.


    Thin-Film solar panels are made by depositing a thin layer of photovoltaic material onto a substrate, such as glass or metal. Some benefits of Thin-Film solar panels are:

    • Lowest cost among the three types of solar panels.
    • Flexibility, allowing for unconventional installations.
    • Aesthetic appeal due to their thin, uniform appearance.

    However, they also have several disadvantages:

    • Lowest efficiency: around 10-12%.
    • Larger surface area required for the same power output.
    • Shorter lifespan than Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline panels.

    Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each type of solar panel, it is crucial to carefully evaluate your requirements, budget, and available space when choosing a 5kW solar system with a battery in the UK.

    Benefits of a 5kW Solar System with Battery

    Energy Savings

    A 5kW solar panel system can generate approximately 20 kWh on a sunny day and around 4,500 kWh of electricity per year, depending on factors such as location and equipment performance. By combining a solar system with a battery, homeowners can store surplus solar energy for use during non-sunlight hours This allows the household to maximise the usage of solar-generated electricity, potentially saving a significant amount on energy bills. A solar-plus-storage system can save the average 3-bedroom house £783 per year.

    Reduced Carbon Emissions

    In addition to saving money on energy bills, a 5kW solar system with battery storage can help reduce a household's carbon footprint. By using solar energy instead of grid electricity, it enables households to lower their reliance on carbon-intensive energy sources. The combination of solar panels and a solar battery typically reduces the carbon footprint of an average 3-bedroom house by 7%.

    Energy Security

    With a solar battery storage system, households can gain increased energy security. Solar energy generated during daylight hours can be stored and used during evenings, reducing reliance on grid electricity. This not only enables users to optimise their solar energy usage but can also provide backup power during power outages. The incorporation of innovative lithium-ion technology, as seen in products like the Solax battery, is advantageous when compared to lead-acid alternatives, as it is more lightweight and possesses a higher energy density. Moreover, the 'plug and play' installation of such systems facilitates time and cost savings during setup.

    Installation Process

    The installation process of a 5kW solar system with battery storage in the UK involves several key steps. Initially, homeowners should research and compare available solar panel systems and batteries from various vendors. It is essential to find a reputable installer who can provide a free consultation and cost estimate tailored to the homeowner's energy usage and property specifics.

    Before the installation process begins, the solar provider will necessitate a survey of the property to assess the roof's structure, shading, and the best possible arrangement of solar panels. The installer will then prepare the site by attaching rails, mounts, or other devices necessary to secure the solar panels to the roof.

    In the next stage, the qualified installer will mount solar panels onto the rails and connect a series of wiring systems. These electrical wires will link the solar panels to the inverter, which is responsible for converting solar energy into usable electricity. Once this is done, the installer will connect the solar panels to the battery storage system if you have chosen to include one. Battery storage will allow you to store excess solar energy generated during the day to power your home during the night or when sunlight is scarce.

    After setting up the solar panels and battery storage, the completing phase of the installation process is electrical and safety testing. The installer will check the system for any potential issues and establish a monitoring system that allows the homeowner to keep track of their solar system's performance.

    Generally, a 5kW solar system in the UK costs between £6,000 and £7,000, while the installation fees amount to around £5,000. Keep in mind that solar panel batteries come with a 10-year warranty and may require replacement at least once throughout your solar panels' lifespan of 25 years. By properly choosing, installing, and maintaining a 5kW solar system with battery storage, homeowners in the UK can significantly reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint.

    Return on Investment

    A 5kW solar system in the UK can be a substantial investment, and potential buyers are often interested in understanding the return on investment (ROI) they can expect. The cost of a 5kW solar system, including installation, can vary, but typically ranges between £5,000 and £10,000. When considering a solar system with battery storage, the total cost can increase by upwards of £2,000 for the battery. It is important to ensure this added investment is worth it by calculating the expected ROI.

    The payback period for a 5kW solar system without battery storage can be as little as 4 years, depending on factors such as energy prices, location, and consumption. Solar panels are guaranteed to last at least 25 years with an estimated lifespan of 40 years, ensuring a long period of potential savings after the system has paid for itself.

    When adding battery storage to a solar system, the payback period may be slightly longer due to the higher initial investment cost. However, the long-term benefits include a reduced reliance on the power grid, lower energy bills, and greater energy independence. While the return on investment might be difficult to calculate precisely due to variable factors such as energy price caps and household electricity consumption, solar batteries generally contribute to lower energy bills and increased savings over time.

    A simple calculation estimates a potential saving of around £81.14 per year for a system with battery storage, versus £405.70 over the battery's warranty period (usually around 5 years), given certain assumptions on available solar energy and energy storage. This would result in a payback on the total investment during the warranty period with a potential loss of £2,094.30. However, as energy prices continue to rise and the technology for solar energy storage improves, it is likely that the ROI for solar systems with batteries will become more attractive in the coming years.

    In summary, the return on investment for a 5kW solar system with battery storage in the UK will depend on various factors, such as electricity consumption, energy prices, and location. While the payback period may be slightly longer than for a system without battery storage, the long-term benefits of reduced grid reliance and lower energy bills can still make it an attractive investment for many households.


    A 5kW solar system in the UK typically costs between £6,000 to £7,000 and is well-suited for larger homes housing four or more people. Such systems have experienced a decrease in price over recent years due to increased competition in the solar panel installation market.

    For homeowners considering going off-grid, a 5kW solar panel system with battery storage would cost around £20,005. This investment includes the expense of two solar batteries throughout the solar system's 25-year lifespan. These systems are ideal for four-bedroom properties with average electricity consumption of 3,500 kWh per year.

    It is worth noting that the VAT applied to batteries depends on when they are installed. Batteries retrofitted to existing solar PV systems are subject to 20% VAT. However, if a battery is installed at the same time as the solar panels, the VAT is 0% until 2027. This factor could influence the overall cost of a solar system with a battery.

    In conclusion, investing in a 5kW solar system with battery storage in the UK is a viable option for larger homes seeking a greener and more sustainable energy source. Prospective buyers should carefully weigh the costs against long-term energy savings to determine the suitability of such a system for their needs.

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    Mark McShane
    Content Writer
    Mark McShane is a seasoned professional in the solar industry and the owner of Skills Training Group, a leading provider of solar training and education. With years of experience in the field, Mark has developed a deep understanding of the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the industry. His expertise and passion for solar energy have helped countless professionals develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the fast-growing field of solar energy. Whether you’re an aspiring solar professional or an experienced industry veteran, Mark is an excellent resource for anyone looking to enhance their skills and knowledge of the solar industry.
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