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Solar Panel and Battery Installation: A Complete Guide

Solar Panel and Battery Installation: Everything You Need To Achieve Success

A solar panel and battery storage duo is a good combination that can provide renewable energy throughout the night, during power cuts, or even on cloudy days.

However, this duo can only be efficient and sufficient for meeting your electricity needs once correctly installed.

That's why we've developed this complete installation guide on installing a solar battery storage and panel system in your home.

Let's get started!

The Solar Panel And Battery Installation Process

Solar panels work best when combined with the proper solar battery storage equipment. In this case, solar panels produce energy, which is transferred to the solar battery storage through a solar charge controller.

The stored direct current electricity is then converted to alternating current through the solar inverter (AC battery systems) once the solar energy is needed for the appliances, lighting fixtures, or other equipment.

But, before that process can be completed, here is a step-by-step guide on installing solar panels and solar battery storage systems.

Step 1. Set Up Scaffolding

The first thing you need to do is to set up the scaffolding. 

The Scaffolding is a makeshift structure that acts as a safety net and support foundation for panel installers, electricians, and other professionals who install solar panels and the solar system as a whole.

To set up the scaffolding, here are the things you need to remember:

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    • The scaffold should be fully boarded to enable installers to stand and walk for easy installation
    • The boarded scaffold must extend past the roof length to ensure the safety of workers
    • The scaffolding must have an edge protection feature or railing to prevent falls and slips

    Step 2. Install Solar Panel Mounts

    After securing the scaffolding, you can install the solar panels' mounting system.

    This system, also called solar module racking, is best known for keeping the solar panels intact on the roof during calm daylight hours or extreme weather conditions.

    Here is how to install these solar panels mounts:

    • Measure the area of the roof, and ensure that the solar mounts observe a four-foot distance from the ends of the roof on all sides
    • Assess and ensure the accurate tilt of the solar panels
    • Drill holes
    • Secure the solar mounts with bolts through these holes
    • Seal the bolted area 

    Step 3. Install The Solar Panels

    Once you are done with the mounts, you can proceed with the solar panel installation proper.

    This step is easy because most solar panels have a built-in mount design for easy connection to the panel mounts.

    All you have to do is secure the placement of the panel with its respective mount. Ensure that it is tightly attached to prevent slipping or electricity generation efficiency issues.

    Step 4. Wire The Solar Panels

    When the panel and the mount are settled, the next step is to wire the solar panels or install electric wiring.

    But, before you do that, ensure that you turn off the electricity from the main switch of your household to prevent electrocution. 

    Then proceed with these steps:

    • Connect the solar battery storage system to the solar panel battery charger or charge controller by connecting the former to the latter's battery terminals.
    • Connect the panel to the charge controller using the MC4 adaptor cable and inline fuse.

    Step 5. Install Solar Inverter

    The next step in completing your solar PV system is to install the solar photovoltaic inverter. In installing solar inverters, the key reminders are the following:

    • Perform indoor installations in cool places
    • Perform outdoor installations away from sun exposure

    Step 6. Bond the Solar Inverter And Solar Battery

    After installing the solar inverter, connect it to the solar battery storage system by connecting the corresponding energy storage positive terminals and their negatives.

    The solar inverter in a solar system converts the spare electricity stored inside the solar batteries into alternating current, which is used to power your electric vehicle, lights, and other appliances.

    Step 7. Connect The Inverter To The Consumer Unit

    For solar PV systems to work, solar inverters must be connected to the consumer unit. The consumer unit is the main distributor of AC electricity from the inverter.

    This is crucial as an electric consumer unit prevents damage to your wirings, panel system, and other appliances by distributing ample electricity from the storage system.

    Step 8. Start And Test Solar Panels

    Once you have installed your solar PV (photovoltaics) panels, solar panel battery storage, solar charge controller, and solar inverter, you are down to the last step – testing if the solar panel system works.

    This step is simple; all you need is to follow this procedure:

    • Switch on the main power
    • Switch on the inverter
    • Check if the solar panels produce energy
    • Check if the charge controller regulates the flow of solar electricity
    • Check if the solar batteries store electricity
    • Check if the solar inverter generates solar electricity (AC)

    Understand Your Role And Responsibilities When Installing And Maintaining Solar And Battery Systems

    Installing solar panels and solar batteries is easy, but you need to have enough knowledge of how the system works and, most significantly, your roles and responsibilities.

    To help you, we have listed what you need to remember before, during, and after your PV panel and solar battery installation process.

    Installer Documents And Licenses

    First, you need to be a licensed solar installer with documents and licenses proving you are legitimate. To become one, you need to possess the following qualifications:

    • Complete a college course, apprenticeship, and training; or
    • Secure levels 2 and 3 Diploma in Electrical Installation; or
    • Qualify for the National Vocational Qualification (England); or
    • Qualify for the Scottish Vocational Qualification (Scotland)

    Before Your Installation Work Starts

    Before your installation work starts, you must be mindful of what to wear and prepare your action plan.

    For a smooth-sailing panel, inverter, controller, and solar battery installation process, here are the things you must remember:

    • Prevention is better than cure. So, always remember to wear your personal protective equipment (PPE), such as glasses, proper shoes, gloves, and hard hats.
    • Preparation is the key to a straightforward process when installing solar PV panels and solar battery storage. With this, you must complete and prepare your tools and equipment beforehand.
    • Know what to do so that everything will be a breeze. It is always better if you are confident in your plan of action, as it will dictate the pacing and efficiency of your work.

    After Your Installation Work Is Completed

    Once you have successfully installed your solar panel battery storage system, there are things you still need to bear in mind, such as

    • Ensure your workspace is clean to prevent damage and optimise the efficiency of the panels and other system parts.
    • Ensure your wiring is sealed and intact, as the contrary may result in lesser energy generated and damages to other connected appliances and tools.
    • Shift your loads by using more solar power during sunlight hours to maximise the benefits, such as using green electricity for lesser fossil fuel and cheap electricity bills.

    PRO TIP: Including a generation meter to systematically record generated energy is better.

    Maintaining Your Solar Or Battery System

    Based on our experience, if you want the solar battery storage system and panels to be as effective as when you first activated them, you must take care of them through regular maintenance.

    Solar battery storage systems and panel maintenance are less extensive than you think. You only need regular cleaning and annual inspection for the two systems to work consistently.

    Here are the specific things to do when cleaning your solar photovoltaic panels:

    • Use running water and soap to clean the panels of dust and debris
    • Use a clean piece of cloth to wipe the wet panels 

    Here are some of the things you need to determine during the inspection:

    • The solar battery storage system's fluid level
    • The solar battery storage system's charge level

    Getting The Most From Your Solar Or Battery System

    Another thing that can make your existing solar panel system and solar battery storage system worth it is by understanding the following:

    • Sunlight is the best energy supplier, so ensure your PV panels are directly hit by sunlight without branches of trees in their way to get the most solar electricity possible.
    • Use as much energy during the day rather than during the sun's off-peak hours or non-production hours to ensure lower electricity bills.
    • Always keep your solar battery storage, panels, and other system parts clean to efficiently utilise their usable capacity.
    • Do not forget to choose battery storage that has a long life cycle, is affordable, and has a competent depth of discharge for your energy use (e.g., lithium-ion batteries and lead acid batteries).
    • Make sure you choose the battery storage type (i.e., lithium-ion batteries or lead acid batteries) with enough storage capacity for your solar array's generation.
    • If you have a large storage capacity, you can earn money by exporting the surplus electricity to the National Grid or electrical grid (electricity prices depend on the amount of electricity you transfer).

    Benefits of Solar Panel and Battery Installation

    In the United Kingdom, there have been 1,231,125 solar panels installed because people believe in the benefits solar PV panels and solar battery systems can provide.

    These benefits include saving money, protecting and preserving the environment, and offering users a resilient and durable energy source. 

    To help you realise the full potential of your solar battery and panel duo, we have expounded on their benefits below.

    Financial Savings

    With rising energy bills, people cling to the most prevalent benefit when deciding to install solar batteries and panels is financial savings.

    You can definitely save money with a panel and solar battery storage system because of the following cost-saving measures attached to them:

    • Lower cost of energy bills
    • Save money through the UK Government's VAT relief programme, offering 0% VAT for energy-saving materials like solar batteries and panel storage systems. 
    • Save money when buying and installing renewable energy improvements for your home through the Green Deal, which offers a payback time feature that gives you cash back.
    • Save money through the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) by exporting excess solar energy to the grid in exchange for monetary compensation.
    • Some people also qualify for the Feed-in-Tariff scheme, like those with renewable technology as a means to produce electricity, allowing them to earn money from the government.
      The Feed-in-Tariff scheme bases its payment on the electricity your household has produced, as determined by the generation meter.

    Environmental Benefits

    Aside from saving money, you can also have a beneficial environmental impact when using solar batteries and panels to produce your own energy. Here are some of the eco-friendly perks they offer:

    • Battery systems and panels reduce the emission of fossil fuels and other greenhouse gases
    • A home battery system reduces your carbon footprint
    • Using and storing electricity from the sun helps mitigate climate change due to the factors mentioned above


    Another benefit you can get from a solar home battery and grid system is its reliability. Its usable capacity and storage capacity are helpful factors that harness the sun's energy, producing clean electricity that lasts long. 

    Moreover, the grid and storage system is reliable for the following reasons:

    • Solar grids and batteries are long-lasting, with a higher life cycle lasting approximately 15 and 20 years, respectively.
    • Solar battery and grid systems only require regular cleaning and an annual inspection for their maintenance for continued efficiency.
    • Solar battery and grid systems generate and store electricity using the sun's rays, which means you can generate electricity for as long as the sun shines.

    Factors to Consider When Installing Solar Panels and Batteries

    Drawing from our experiences with solar storage systems, we discovered that several factors must be considered before installing such systems, such as the type of solar grid or panel used, location, cost, and maintenance.

    We'll discuss the four factors below in a way that makes sense, allowing you to understand their importance and how to use them to choose the right panels and batteries for your needs.

    Type of Solar Panel

    The first factor on the list is the type of solar grid or panel you want and need to use. There are four well-known solar grid types currently on the market, and these are:

    • Monocrystalline - This type of solar grid is the most expensive and produces the most waste material out of the four types because of its production process.
      The process includes the Czochralski method, which turns the raw material into an ingot that, when sliced, produces thin wafers for the grid and its cells.
      What we liked most about this cell type is its high efficiency, durability, and heat resistance, which leads to its capacity to last long. It's worth the price.
    • Polycrystalline - If you still want silicon cells at a lower cost than monocrystalline, polycrystalline panels made of silicon fragments may suit your preference.
      That said, its efficiency is much lower than monocrystalline. It is also not as efficient in resisting extreme heat, which makes it less productive when the sun's energy is at its peak.
    • Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact (PERC) - Another type of solar grid is PERC, which is also designed to be highly capable of producing energy from the sun, which is then transformed into the usable capacity of electricity.
      Yet, PERC is more expensive than a traditional grid and comes with additional costs.
    • Thin-film - The fourth grid type is thin-film, the cheapest alternative for completing your solar energy storage system. Its price is affordable because it is easy to install and produce.
      Although this type of grid does not have high efficiency, it can still generate enough usable capacity electricity from the sun to fill your energy storage (lithium-ion batteries or lead acid batteries) needs.


    The solar grid or panel must be placed and angled in the right direction for your energy storage system to produce energy that can power an electric vehicle or electric car and its rechargeable battery, plus other appliances in your home.

    We recommend that your panel be south-facing. Moreover, it will be better if the following conditions are observed:

    • The solar grid or panel must be directly under the sun without being interrupted by trees or shadows;
    • The solar grid or panel must be at an angle appropriate to the situation in your area, approximately 90 degrees.
      For UK residents, you must be flexible enough to change the solar grid or panel's angle depending on the sun's position;
    • Solar grid or panel works best when placed on the roof compared to other areas in the house.


    Before installing home batteries and panels, you must always keep the overall cost in mind, which includes the following expenses:

    The cost will vary depending on the types of panels and batteries you buy and how many you will need to cover your home's electricity needs (e.g., your monthly electricity usage in kilowatt-hours).

    Also, choose professional solar installers and electricians to ensure you get the best results and to utilise the cost of labour expenses of installing your panels and batteries.


    Before you install energy storage systems, factor in the maintenance cost. It does not usually cost much, as an energy storage system only requires light cleaning and annual assessments. 

    However, the type of panel you purchase will still play a vital role in the total cost. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    We know that you still have questions in mind when it comes to solar grids and home batteries.

    With that, we have answered some of your FAQs in this section.

    Is It Okay to Connect a Solar Panel Directly to a Solar Battery?

    Yes, connecting a panel grid directly to a solar panel battery is okay when you have a low-voltage panel and a car battery.

    However, for long-term household energy use, it is best to connect a solar charge controller between the two as it generates enough electricity for the home battery. With this, it does not result in overcharging and overheating.

    Is a Solar PV System a Good Investment?

    Yes, solar home battery storage is a good investment because of the following benefits it offers:

    • It helps you use renewable energy and green electricity.
    • It helps you save money.
    • It helps you contribute to mitigating climate change.


    Panels and batteries that provide energy from the sun are ideal partners when it comes to energy storage, as they allow you to have renewable electricity that can cater to all electricity needs.

    However, they require proper installation to achieve the maximum benefits of solar batteries and panels. 

    This was a complete guide to installing a solar energy storage system. By following the instructions above, you should be able to make the most out of your solar system in any weather or time of day.

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    Mark McShane
    Content Writer
    Mark McShane is a seasoned professional in the solar industry and the owner of Skills Training Group, a leading provider of solar training and education. With years of experience in the field, Mark has developed a deep understanding of the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the industry. His expertise and passion for solar energy have helped countless professionals develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the fast-growing field of solar energy. Whether you’re an aspiring solar professional or an experienced industry veteran, Mark is an excellent resource for anyone looking to enhance their skills and knowledge of the solar industry.
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