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Organic Photovoltaics UK: A Future Energy Solution

Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) represent a rapidly emerging technology in the renewable energy sector, particularly in the UK. These novel solar cells offer several advantages, such as being lightweight, providing extensive area coverage, and having a low-cost manufacturing process. With the capability to store larger amounts of solar energy compared to traditional solar cells, OPVs are gaining traction as a promising alternative for generating clean electricity.

OPV cells utilise organic semiconductors, often made from polymers or small molecules, as their light-absorbing layer. These organic materials require a high level of conjugation to become conducting or semiconducting, which consists of alternating single and double bonds. This unique property enables OPV cells to efficiently capture sunlight and convert it into electrical energy.

In recent years, the development of perovskite photovoltaics has dramatically impacted the field of organic photovoltaics. Perovskites are a blend of organic and inorganic compounds that boast low production costs, ease of processing, and exceptional sunlight-capturing abilities. As a result, their efficiency increased from about 6.5% in 2012 to around 24% in 2020, highlighting the significant progress made in the field of organic photovoltaic research, especially within the UK.

Organic Photovoltaic Technology

Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) are a type of solar technology that utilises carbon-based materials to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity. The development of OPVs has gone through various stages, including the use of poly(3-hexylthiophene) and fullerene-based acceptors, new donor materials, and the adoption of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). Research conducted at institutions like Durham University and the University of Southampton has helped to further our understanding of the relationship between the structure of organic photovoltaic devices and their performance.


Organic photovoltaics offer several benefits over traditional silicon-based solar cells:

  • Lightweight: OPVs are less bulky than their silicon counterparts, making them easier to integrate into various applications, such as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).
  • Low cost: The use of carbon-based materials and solution processing methods result in lower production costs, which could ultimately lead to more affordable renewable energy solutions.
  • Flexibility: The thin-film nature of OPVs enables them to be produced on flexible substrates, opening up new possibilities for innovative solar technologies, such as roll-to-roll production and wearable devices.
  • Semitransparency: OPVs can be fabricated to allow some light to pass through, providing opportunities for applications like transparent solar windows or skylights.


Despite their numerous advantages, organic photovoltaics also have some drawbacks:

  • Lower efficiency: OPVs typically have lower power conversion efficiencies than silicon-based solar cells. However, recent developments in all-small-molecule OPVs have shown potential for improvement.
  • Less stability: The durability and long-term stability of organic solar cells can be inferior to that of silicon-based solar cells, due in part to the sensitivity of certain organic materials to environmental factors such as heat and humidity.
  • Inconsistent performance: Variations in organic materials' quality and purity can lead to inconsistent device performance, posing challenges for large-scale manufacturing.

Overall, organic photovoltaics offer a promising alternative to conventional silicon-based solar cells, particularly for applications requiring lightweight, flexible, and semitransparent solar technology. However, further research is needed to resolve issues such as lower efficiency and stability to make OPVs a more competitive renewable energy option.

UK Government Policies and Incentives

The UK government has implemented various policies, incentives, and regulations to support the deployment of solar photovoltaics (PV), including organic PV technologies. One of the primary objectives of these policies is to help the UK reach its target of 15% renewable energy from final consumption by 2020, as well as supporting decarbonisation efforts in the country.

One of the key incentive schemes provided by the UK government for renewables, including solar PV, is the Contracts for Difference (CfD) programme. The CfD scheme, which has been extended until 2035, aims to stimulate investments in low-carbon electricity generation. It provides long-term price stability for generators by ensuring a pre-determined strike price for their electricity output.

Another example of UK government support for solar PV is the monthly deployment of solar PV capacity statistics. The government monitors and publishes the statistics, showcasing the growth of solar PV deployment throughout the United Kingdom.

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    In terms of promoting organic photovoltaics in agriculture, the National Farmers Union (NFU) has published briefings on the benefits of solar PV, including its potential for land use and agricultural integration. The NFU aims to raise awareness among farmers about the opportunities offered by solar PV and how it can contribute to a sustainable future.

    Overall, the UK government's initiatives and support for solar photovoltaics, including organic PV technologies, demonstrate its commitment to promote renewable energy sources and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

    Current UK Research and Development Projects


    Several UK universities are contributing to the field of organic photovoltaics through research and development projects. Durham University is exploring the relationship between the structure of organic photovoltaic devices and their performance, aiming to reduce the cost of renewable energy through scalable manufacturing processes.

    At The University of Sheffield, the Sheffield Solar research group is involved in modelling the performance of the GB solar photovoltaics (PV) fleet, considering weather variability and providing near real-time estimates of the generation from the GB PV fleet to the energy industry through their PV_Live project.

    The University of Southampton is actively conducting research on the design and development of thin film electronic materials using cost-effective physical vapour deposition means for advanced engineering devices applications. Projects include fluorescent collectors, photonics and light harvesting.

    The University of Cambridge focuses on organic photovoltaic devices, studying their typical layered structure, which includes substrates, transparent bottom electrodes, photoactive layers and top metal electrodes.


    While the search results do not provide specific UK-based companies working on organic photovoltaics, advances in the field are being made through collaborations between universities and industry partners.

    In order to better understand the implications of organic photovoltaic technology within the renewable energy sector, it is important to recognise the advancements being made by various research institutions and companies in the UK. This ongoing research supports the development of cost-effective and efficient organic photovoltaic devices, contributing to a greener and more sustainable energy future.

    Market and Industry Analysis

    Growth and Predictions

    The UK solar power market is expected to register a CAGR of more than 5% during the forecast period (2022-2027) according to a recent Mordor Intelligence report. As part of this growth, the Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) market size is anticipated to be worth USD 158 million in 2022 and is forecast to reach USD 724.8 million by 2028, growing rapidly due to expansion in solar power capacity and increasing demand for eco-friendly energy solutions.

    Key factors driving the growth of the UK organic solar cells market include supportive government policies, advancements in OPV technology, and decreasing production costs. Additionally, increasing awareness of climate change and sustainability is pushing the adoption of solar energy further, simultaneously contributing to the expansion of the organic solar cell industry.

    Opportunities and Challenges

    Innovation and research in the organic solar cell sector have led to numerous opportunities for market growth. The Fortune Business Insights report highlights the leading companies and applications with potential for significant advancements. While opportunities exist for the organic solar cell market, there are challenges that need to be addressed:

    • Efficiency: Organic solar cells generally have lower efficiency levels, when compared to traditional silicon-based solar cells. Continued research and development will be crucial in improving the efficiency of organic solar cells to make them more competitive in the market.
    • Stability: The lifespan and stability of organic solar cells can be affected by environmental factors such as humidity and temperature. Efforts to enhance device stability will be crucial in ensuring a reliable contribution to power generation.
    • Production Scalability: Scaling up the production of organic solar cells can prove to be a challenge, especially while maintaining the cost and quality control. Expanding production capacities will be essential for meeting the growing market demand.

    Addressing these challenges will be vital for the sustained growth and success of the organic photovoltaics market in the UK.

    Case Studies and Examples

    Residential Installations

    In the United Kingdom, there are numerous examples of residential installations of organic photovoltaic (OPV) technology. Homeowners are increasingly adopting these eco-friendly solutions due to their improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness when compared to traditional inorganic solar panels. A key driver behind this rise in popularity is the availability of flexible OPV panels, which can easily be adapted to suit the architectural design of a home.

    For instance, a case study from the Durham University demonstrates a residential installation of organic photovoltaic devices. In this example, the homeowner achieved considerable reduction in energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

    Commercial Installations

    Commercial applications of organic photovoltaics can also be found throughout the country. Businesses are eager to invest in clean energy solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. Moreover, potential government incentives and the desire to project a green image make OPV technology an attractive option.

    One standout commercial installation can be seen at the University of Cambridge where researchers have adopted organic photovoltaic devices to power their facilities. In this example, they used a layered structure in their OPVs, consisting of a substrate, transparent bottom electrode, photoactive layer, and top metal electrode. This format efficiently converts sunlight into electrical current and offers an effective and sustainable energy solution.

    In summary, both residential and commercial installations of organic photovoltaics in the United Kingdom serve as excellent examples of how this technology can be effectively utilised. These installations demonstrate the potential for organic photovoltaics to positively impact and transform the current energy landscape.

    Environmental and Societal Impact

    Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) provide a sustainable alternative to traditional inorganic solar panels. The unique features of OPVs, such as being lightweight, flexible, and economically feasible, contribute to their potential in reducing the carbon emissions and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the United Kingdom.

    Carbon Emissions Reduction

    OPVs can significantly contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint associated with electricity production. As indicated in a study, OPVs have cradle-to-grave environmental impacts that are considerably lower than silicon-based photovoltaic (PV) systems for both long-term and short-term uses. This is due to the fact that these panels have lower energy requirements and extended product lifecycles compared to conventional PV technologies.

    Furthermore, the innate flexibility of OPVs allows for their integration into a wider array of applications, thereby replacing conventional energy sources and reducing the overall demand for fossil fuels. Investments in OPV technologies in the UK will advance the country's efforts towards achieving their carbon emissions reduction targets.

    Sustainable Development Goals

    OPVs play a crucial role in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in the areas of affordable and clean energy (SDG 7) and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). The reduced cost and flexibility of these devices translate to expanded accessibility and affordability of renewable energy across different social and economic classes in the UK.

    Moreover, the ease of manufacturing OPVs with scalable production processes, as shown by the Durham University, benefits the overall sustainability agenda. When combined with eco-friendly construction practices, OPVs enable the integration of renewable energy into urban infrastructure, public transportation, and even portable devices. This contributes to the development of smarter, greener cities and communities across the UK.

    In summary, Organic photovoltaics have great potential in reducing environmental impacts and addressing societal challenges in the UK. Through the reduction of carbon emissions and the promotion of sustainable goals, OPVs contribute to a cleaner and greener future for the country.


    Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have shown promise as an emerging technology for renewable energy generation in the UK. This technology has achieved certified efficiencies of over 20% and has the potential for further improvements in performance. The primary appeal of OPVs lies in their potential for reducing the cost of solar energy due to their scalable manufacturing processes and infrastructure compatibility.

    Research in the field of organic photovoltaics is being pursued at various academic institutions, such as the University of Cambridge and Durham University. These centres are working to better understand the relationships between the structure of organic photovoltaic devices and their performance.

    Notable advancements, such as ultrathin organic solar cells, present unique opportunities for renewable energy generation in urban environments. By integrating these cells into building materials, there is potential for buildings to serve as power generators, further contributing to the UK's green energy infrastructure.

    In summary, organic photovoltaics holds a promising future in the UK's renewable energy landscape. Continued investment in research and technological advancements in this field could lead to significant progress towards the nation's goals of reduced carbon emissions and a cleaner, greener future.

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    Mark McShane
    Content Writer
    Mark McShane is a seasoned professional in the solar industry and the owner of Skills Training Group, a leading provider of solar training and education. With years of experience in the field, Mark has developed a deep understanding of the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the industry. His expertise and passion for solar energy have helped countless professionals develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the fast-growing field of solar energy. Whether you’re an aspiring solar professional or an experienced industry veteran, Mark is an excellent resource for anyone looking to enhance their skills and knowledge of the solar industry.
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