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Solar Panel Cost Calculator UK: A Quick Guide

Solar Panel Cost Calculator

Solar Panel Cost Calculator UK: What You Need to Know

We're sure you've noticed the movement for non-renewable energy conservation these days.

Solar power is truly an increasingly popular alternative energy source in the UK.

A solar battery will reduce your carbon footprint and save on electricity bills.

However, you can't just invest in solar panel installation right away. You must understand the costs involved. After all, solar panels cost a lot.

So, before you prepare your roof for solar panels, read this guide we developed to help you in your venture!

How Solar Panel Cost Calculators Work

Solar system calculators work by considering specific information you must provide that will impact the installation.

Inputs Needed to Accurately Calculate Solar Panel Cost

To accurately compute the expenditure of a solar PV system, you may require the following inputs:

1. Location

Properties in areas with high levels of sunlight tend to require fewer solar panels installed on the roof to make the same amount of electricity compared to properties with less sunlight.

Also, solar installations typically cost more in urban areas like London than in rural areas.

2. Size of the System

Generally, larger panel installations will be more expensive than smaller ones since they require more materials and labour.

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    If you have larger system sizes and power per kilowatt-hour (kWh), you might need a more expensive solar panel installation.

    3. Type of Solar Panels

    Here are the two main types of solar panels for a residential roof space:

    • Monocrystalline
    • Polycrystalline

    In general, a monocrystalline solar panel installation is MORE EXPENSIVE than a polycrystalline solar PV array.

    4. Solar Panel Inverter

    The solar inverter is essential for translating direct current (DC) generated by photovoltaic panels into an alternating current (AC).

    If you're wondering how much an inverter costs, it will depend on the size of the system and the chosen model.

    For instance, a smaller system with a basic inverter will be more affordable than one requiring a larger, more advanced inverter.

    String inverters are typically less expensive than microinverters.

    5. Mounting System

    The mounting system holds the solar panels in place, securing them to the roof or ground and ensuring they are positioned for maximum sun exposure.

    A south-facing roof will attract and provide the most solar generation annually.

    In terms of solar energy, a south-facing roof is desirable because it receives the most direct sunlight over a day.

    6. Solar Panel Installation Costs

    The solar panel installation costs depend on the complexity of the installation and labour.

    This involves several steps — from finding a reliable solar panel installer to the initial consultation and site evaluation, getting permission, applying for an applicable tariff, etc.

    If you have an angled roof, the panels will need more support so they don't fall off.

    7. Solar Batteries

    Depending on your energy needs and goals, installing batteries with solar panels can be an important input for the total solar system calculator.

    It will certainly add to the costs, but a solar battery will drastically reduce your electricity bill more.

    Solar panels generate electricity only when it's sunny.

    However, solar batteries are used for excess energy storage if the solar panels gather too much. This is especially helpful for cloudy days or winter months.

    Having a battery is also great for the summer months since you're sure to store enough energy to last you through the night.

    A solar battery is all the more important if you plan to disconnect from the national electrical grid. After all, they'll ensure you have a constant energy supply.

    You must also know how to safely connect the solar panel to the battery to ensure that neither gets damaged.

    8. Available Incentives

    There are several incentives available in the UK.

    These incentives are:

    • Tax credits
    • Rebates
    • Financial incentives

    All three of these incentives can significantly reduce your overall expense of solar systems.

    For example, the UK has the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) and the Value-Added Tax (VAT) Reduction Scheme.

    Providing Information for a Solar Panel Cost Calculator

    If you want to provide information about the calculator, you must visit a website that offers this service.

    The specific information required will depend on the calculators you are using.

    Here are some steps you can follow:

    1. Go to a solar panel costs calculator website.
    2. Enter your location.
    3. Provide information on how much energy bills your household usually has.
    4. Specify the size of the solar panels you are considering.
    5. Select the type of solar panels.
    6. Select the type of inverter.
    7. Select the type of mounting system.
    8. Choose any additional features or accessories, such as whether you'll be availing of a battery too or not.

    How to Calculate Solar Panel Costs

    To get an accurate average cost of solar panel systems, let's learn what is needed to consider to get the best benefit from installing solar panels.

    Estimating Solar Panel Cost

    It is possible to estimate the cost of solar panel systems.

    However, the final costs may vary depending on other factors.

    Solar panel calculators can be a helpful tool in providing accurate average solar system total expenses, including installation costs and the expected savings over time.

    Calculating Your Solar Panel System

    Calculating the solar system size required to meet a property's energy needs involves several factors that can impact the overall system expense and the benefit you'd eventually gain.

    • Energy usage
    • Location
    • Solar panels' efficiency
    • Type of polar panel system installed
    • Solar battery

    Other Factors to Consider

    Your job's not yet done after calculating the size of solar panels. Let's check out the other important aspects to consider when installing a solar system.

    These things include understanding local regulations, available incentives, maintenance requirements, and warranties.

    Energy monitoring can also provide valuable insights into system performance and energy savings.

    Tips For Finding the Best Solar Panel Cost Calculator

    Are you struggling with trying to understand the costs involved? 

    Fortunately, these tips may help you when trying to install a solar panel. Let’s check out each tip one by one.

    1. Check Reviews

    Reviews can provide valuable insight into the accuracy and reliability of solar PV system calculators.

    Look for reviews from reputable sources, such as solar energy organisations or industry experts. Read both positive and negative reviews to fully understand the calculator's performance.

    2. Compare Different Calculators

    If you want to install a solar system in your home, try comparing the different calculators available online.

    Not all calculators measure up equally; some may provide more accurate information on your system's performance and savings, while others may offer more detailed guidance.

    You can also adjust settings, such as how many panels you'll need and if investing in a battery is worthwhile.

    Comparing the calculators should help you identify one that best suits your needs.

    3. Consider What Other Features Are Available

    When searching for good calculators, it's important to consider what other components are available besides just the average estimate.

    For example, some calculators may provide information about available incentives, financing options, or local regulations that may impact installing a solar panel system.

    Other calculators may include monitoring features that help homeowners track their energy consumption and optimise their system's performance.

    By considering what other features are available, homeowners can find calculators that understand the average costs and benefits of installing a solar panel system.

    Advantages of Using a Solar Panel Cost Calculator UK

    This section will explore the advantages of using solar panel calculators specifically designed for the United Kingdom.

    1. Cost Estimates

    One of the primary advantages of using a solar panel calculator for the UK is accurate expense estimates.

    It can estimate the average installation fees, including equipment, installation, and any additional fees or taxes.

    It calculates based on the information about the size and type of system, location, and other relevant things.

    2. Tax Benefits

    Another advantage of using solar system calculators is the ability to factor in available tax benefits.

    In the UK, homeowners can receive a tax-free income from the electricity they generate through a solar panel system.

    They also benefit from the feed-in tariff (FiT) scheme that provides potential payments for the energy they generate and give back to the national grid.

    3. Solar Panel Installation

    Calculators can also provide valuable information about the installation process.

    The calculator can average the potential savings by considering features such as the type and size of the solar battery and system, location, and roof grid.

    This can also be a guide for any necessary permits or approvals that may be required.

    This information can help homeowners planning to install solar PV panels correctly and efficiently.

    Disadvantages of Using a Solar Panel Cost Calculator UK

    A calculator can help you estimate a solar panel system's average costs and benefits. However, there are also some drawbacks you should take note of.

    1. Inaccurate Cost Estimates

    One of the potential disadvantages of using a solar panel calculator for the UK is potentially inaccurate estimates.

    While solar PV panel calculators can provide a good average of the expenses of a solar panel system based on the information provided, they may not take into account all relevant aspects.

    For example, some calculators may not include installation or may not accurately produce the average amount of energy a system will generate in a specific location.

    2. Limited Customisation

    Some solar panel calculators may only offer limited options for system size, type, presence of a solar battery, and other relevant things to consider.

    This can make it difficult for the average household to accurately compute the average solar system expenses that meet their needs.

    They might find that their chosen solar panels cost more than they expected.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    As with any complex topic, common questions arise when considering solar electricity and using a calculator for solar battery costs.

    What Are the Different Types of Solar Panels?

    You can find several types of solar panels all over the market. You should consider the different advantages and disadvantages each type offers.

    However, these are the most common types of solar panels:

    • Monocrystalline
    • Polycrystalline

    Monocrystalline Solar Panels

    Monocrystalline solar panels are made from a single crystal of silicon, so you get a high kWh conversion rate of sunlight into electricity.

    These PV panels are recognisable by their uniform dark colour and rounded edges.

    They are known for their high kWh efficiency and long lifespan — typically at least 25 years.

    They are ideal for a larger household since they're the most space-efficient solar panels. After all, they require less roof space to generate the same kWh as other panels.

    However, monocrystalline solar panels cost more than other solar panels. On top of that, their efficiency can be reduced by how much shade or low light conditions your roof receives.

    Polycrystalline Solar Panels

    Polycrystalline solar panels are made from multiple crystals of silicon, which are melted together to form a single panel.

    These panels are recognisable by their blue colour and rectangular shape.

    You can save more when buying panels made of polycrystalline silicon as they are generally less expensive than monocrystalline panels.

    However, they can generate lower kWh and have a slightly shorter lifespan of around 20-25 years.

    They require more roof space or a bigger solar PV array than monocrystalline panels to generate the same kWh of solar electricity.

    Polycrystalline solar panels are a good option for homeowners looking for a budget-friendly way to generate solar energy and save on electrical bills.

    They also have reduced efficiency if installed on a low-light roof and can be affected by shading.

    Are There Grants Available for Solar Panels in the UK?

    Yes. UK government initiatives aim to promote using renewable energies and low-carbon emissions.

    Below are some grants that the UK offers:

    1. Home Energy Scotland

    Home Energy Scotland is a Scottish government-funded service.

    It provides free, impartial advice to help homeowners save on electricity or energy bills, achieve low-carbon emissions, and access renewable energy technologies.

    2. Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

    The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) is a UK government scheme.

    It requires energy suppliers with over 150,000 customers to offer minimum potential payments to small-scale, low-carbon electricity generators for the excess energy they export to the national grid.

    An average household will save more money on electricity bills and generate more SEG revenues the more years they continue to use solar PV panels.

    Some Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) tariffs from energy suppliers could also vary by the electricity distribution network.

    This scheme compels energy suppliers to pay citizens who install the electricity from PV solar panels — and sees that you paid extra for any electricity you export back to the national grid.

    3. VAT Reduction Scheme

    A VAT reduction scheme may apply specifically to solar PV panels, which generate electricity from sunlight.

    This is often done to encourage the adoption of excess energy and achieve low-carbon emissions.

    The VAT reduction scheme allows homeowners to benefit from a reduced rate of 5 % VAT on certain electricity-saving materials users install.

    This includes solar PV panels instalment, solar battery use, and more energy-saving materials and practises in households.


    Putting solar panels on your roof is an excellent investment. After all, homes and business owners reduce their carbon footprint and save energy prices on their electricity bills.

    Leave no stone unturned in understanding and checking all expenses before investing in a solar panel installation.

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    Mark McShane
    Content Writer
    Mark McShane is a seasoned professional in the solar industry and the owner of Skills Training Group, a leading provider of solar training and education. With years of experience in the field, Mark has developed a deep understanding of the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the industry. His expertise and passion for solar energy have helped countless professionals develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the fast-growing field of solar energy. Whether you’re an aspiring solar professional or an experienced industry veteran, Mark is an excellent resource for anyone looking to enhance their skills and knowledge of the solar industry.
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